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Reflective ParaCord
550 Rip Cord
with Reflective Tracers
Get Yours Here
3 for price of 2

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ParaCord Info
1/8" Diameter
7 Woven Strands inside outer shield
Made in USA
See some of the many USES BELOW
Reflective 550 Para Cord
"Rip Cord" isn't just for parachutes anymore ...
Think Survival - Ask just about any military soldier, sailor, airman or marine and he can tell you about the wonders of this little thing called 550 cord. Why do they call it 550 cord? It can withstand 550 pounds of pull before it breaks. It may be the only thing on earth that has almost as many uses as duct tape. When military and special forces deploy on mission, one of the standard items to bring along is 50 feet of 550 cord. Many carry it as a braided wrist band or lanyard that's always ready.
Para Cord Braiding
Paracord Braiding
Survival Bracelets
Zipper Pulls
Knot Making
Hat Bands
Rifle Slings
Monkey Fists
Key Chains
Dog Collars / Leashes
General Uses
Emergency / Survival
Shelter / Gear Tie Downs
Fire Starter Bow
Improvised Pace Counter
Drag Line
Safety Line
Tourniquet to Stop Bleeding
Boot / Shoe Laces
Clothes Line
Food Hanging
Improvised MOLLE Repairs
Trail Marking
Spear Making
Magazine Pulls
Trip Wires
Improvised Fishing Net
Inner Strand Uses
Fishing Line
Traps / Snares
Sewing (Tent / Clothing Repair)
Dental Floss
Small Animal Snare Trap
Gill Net
Small Repair